Sorry folks, missed Kickman update yesterday. I didn’t touch my computer for the entire weekend. Not because of a planned unplug from technology, just too busy rebuilding a deck, a bathroom, a bedroom, and a cat sanctuary. I’m worried all this manual labor may cause a loss of fine motor coordination in my drawing fingers.
The inks are done, just need to color and wordify then next episode will be up.
Matt just remind him that in the last few hours he was getting it on with a body that had “expired” a couple of hundred years ago, that itching and burning sensation may be a case of mummy rot and additionally the super hero community now know about his potential “kink” and he has a lifetime ban from trying to pick up chicks in the local morgue.
Can’t break the sidekick code: Bros before… Champs before Vamps? What happens in the crypt stays in the crypt? Well there must be some kind of code.