Discussion (4) ¬

  1. Archives

    Def. run them through an upscaler first. (Mediafire link for the first ~2 chapters): https://app.mediafire.com/icycjg2zvmpqq
    Personally; the frame-by-frame format doesn’t let people do the “magic of comics” stuff, where you put a character slightly out of frame to make them bigger or any of the really majestic stuff that puts comics above normal art in terms of beauty, impact, or style. Brain’s waning so here’s some of DC’s best run (objectively).


    (I’ll update the mediafire folder when my tokens recharge)

    • Archives

      Upscaler didn’t transfer text very well (at all!), will dig a bit into alternatives

    • Archives

      Wow that was a haughty tone. Sorry about that

      • Matt

        Nah, I appreciate the advice. I didn’t know that upscalers were a thing. It doesn’t help that when I first started publishing Kickman online, there was a “how to” web comic book by some guys that recommended an image resolution of 72 dpi. Because at the time the book was published, computer speeds were probably still using dial up modems.

        I don’t know if I’ll try going to print anytime soon with a Kickman book. Not sure if there is real demand, since all the strips are available online, except for the few that are hidden behind the Patreon pay wall. But it is something I’d like to see. Prefereably ithout having to re-draw all the early strips like I ended up doing with Java Jaguar.

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