Kickman finally warming up to the intern with the world’s lamest superpower.
Not quite to the end of the chapter. Two more strips to tie up some loose ends. Then a new Kick Chapter!
Also, if anyone is in Honolulu come February, keep an eye out for me at the Amazing Comic Con Aloha. At least, I suspect I’ll be there, I sent my check in for my Artist’s Alley booth but haven’t gotten any confirmation yet.
The ability to sense embarrassment has great situational use. Assuming powers come in both passive and active flavours and you don’t necessarily know there’s an active one, she might also have development in dampening, projecting and amplifying embarrassment. Passive is already great for reading specific ‘tells’ and has specific, yet powerful intel potential.
Kickman’s passive is obviously natural fitness and decent upper body strength. His active is probably Grade 2, maybe even Grade 1 ability with lower body strength, though his aim needs work.
Generic Kung-Fu Superhero Sidekick is said to have no powers, however I feel he has borderline Metahuman tinkering and a least class 4 or 3 lucidity of intellect around efficiency and planning. Class 2 would be around Luthor Alexander’s grade, Class 1 would be around the omniscience threshold.
Beacon has a passive find-it that has an active beam that burns up calories.
Sticky Buns has a passive pheremone active adhesive combo. And probably a complex as those are difficult powers.
Hawk Arrow is an archer. I don’t know if his skill is metahuman (can shoot between a fly’s wings on the upbeat midflight) or simply very, very good baseline.
Kickman’s aim needs work? He’s kicked metal beams into a building to form a staircase and sliced a kick to destroy multiple pillars at once. I don’t think he’s ever missed a target.
Thank you, BaufenBeast. I see you are a true kick believer.
He missed a kick in Selling Out. 😛 Come to think of it that was the only time he has. And he kicked Superior Man to the moon. So I guess he does have super aiming skills too.
I’m not sure if the Selling Out chapter counts as canon since it was written by Japanese Media Conglomerate Fujitsu 10 Ken… 🙂