Never has their been a worse disguise. Except maybe for The Rock as Clark Kent in Saturday Night Live.
So, what exactly is our hero doing in prison? What’s his end game? Is he an actual doctor? Find out in the next 5 or 6 weeks as we begin our chapter on (dun dun duuun) Criminal Minds.
Easter egg! Kickman referrenced Red from that 70s show.
-doctor foot what?
-doctor foot up your ass.
And also the suicide aquad thing. Very well performed – we can hear the music
I award 5 points to Evil Roy Slade (the 3rd) for spotting the Harley Quinn Easter Egg. I never saw the 70’s show episode with the Dr. Foot reference but I will award an additional 3 points for my unintentional Easter Egg.
So many easter eggs. 🙂
I know, right??? Joyce is just being nice by not identifying them all I think, because she is already a Patreon supporter and has access to all the perks. Maybe I need some SUPER perks for Patreon supporters to spend Kick Points on.
Can’t be Kickman… I can see his eyes.
I award 5 points to Ebonbolt for realizing that Kickman has never revealed his eyes!
I am so glad to see this comic treating mental health amongst super-villains with the gravitas which it deserves. If only the titular character were to appreciate that amelioration, not aggression, is truly the way to defeat “evil.”
That being said, does anyone else find the psychiatrist vaguely familiar? Maybe he was a background character in an earlier chapter? Can I earn some “real” points if I spot him?
Yes, I think in the next part you will get a glimpse into the compassion that our heroes have for the criminal minds. Maybe. Also, as a professional actor who has worked many background gigs, I am glad that you are paying attention to the small details… 🙂