So for those of you that didn’t recognize Sue Namei, aka “Tsunami” from the Chapter “Dry Spell.” No Easter Egg points for you! (I bet Joyce spotted her).
While getting Ms. Namei to take on the villainous super identity of “Tsunami” doesn’t retroactively get Kickman LLC the additional pay for thwarting and capturing a Super Villain from Chapter 3, there is a little known “Origin Clause.” It goes something like, if a Hero battles a Villain prior to or in the course of proclaiming themselves as an official Super Villain and/or the first use of their super powers, the Hero becomes the pro temp Arch Enemy of said villain until the Super Villain chooses an official Arch Enemy. It’s quite complicated. Super-legalese.
Anyway, what this means is that if Tsunami goes on a crime spree, Kickman, LLC would be able to invoke the “dibs” rule in order to try to capture her first–assuming they can arrive within a reasonable amount of time to thwart the caper.
Most of this strip was drawn at the Santa Barbara City College Schott Campus for Extended Learning. I was drawing on my Surface while she had a modeling gig. Also got a haircut at the SBCC Cosmetology School while I was waiting.
A vat of pure water at Ace Chemicals.
Is the helmet hair a reference to pre-joker’s helmet in the ‘killing joke’ comic or just pure fashion?
Fourth panel changing face when she gets serious – Fist of the northern star? GTO?
Thank you for the charismatic sandman character – he resonates with my desire for extra snoozing.
I don’t think I had any intentional Easter Eggs on this page. However, I will still award Evil Roy Slade (the 3rd) 3 points for the Tsunami-Joker comparison, to be upgraded to a full 5 points if someone in the future insults her haircut by calling her coif a helmet.
Your inking is getting better. 🙂 I’m wondering if your problem is that you pencil fast and ink slow. Maybe try inking faster with a freer motion. I know when I ink slow and careful, it looks like poop-squared. (My pencils are not as good as yours.) 🙂
I remembered Tsunami but not from where. 🙂
A Surface? Really? I can’t draw for snot on anything that small. I have one of the big Wacoms and I can barely draw for spit on it.
Thanks, Joyce! I have been trying to ink quicker, but that’s more of a deadline thing than trying to make the lines look more natural. Last page I switched to the “real g-pen” tool, which has a rougher line quality. Also, tried a bit of shading using cross-hatching for fun. I’m actually using a Surface Pro 4 now as opposed to the Surface 3 (non-pro) I started with. Bigger, but I know, still a small screen to work on. I just need to have my whole setup portable since I’m traveling mostly full time now.
While in Santa Barbara, a not-to-be-missed experience is lunch at Super Cuca, Isla Vista (UCSB country; good food in large quantities at prices students can afford.
Afraid I already missed it, I was only down there for the day. Any recommendations for the Lake Elsinore, California area? I’ll be there for a week.
That’s what she said… panel 5
I award Not Julia 2 Kick Points for correctly asserting “That’s what she said…”