Pogo’s got game.
Pogo is a character from the webcomic Adamant created by Mike Exner III.
Thrust into the far future by his greatest enemy, Adamant arrives in a world that’s been transformed into a dystopian nightmare primarily due to his absence from the present. A hero out of time, trapped in an impossibly bleak future, Adamant battles enemies old and new in an effort to return the world to a semblance of the one that was taken from him.
Be sure to check out Adamant and some of the other heroes at the Collective of Heroes. Especially Kickman.
I’ve been in games like that and yeah, I wouldn’t take that die back either.
But… but… it’s his lucky speckled die!
How lucky can it really be if get a through tonguing by a frogman?
Dang that is a lot of typos, I probably shouldn’t try playing Pokemon, Langrisser, AND replying to a website all at once. Apparently I can’t multitask that well.
Good thing they ain’t carnivorous typos – they have a 1D4 bite attack.
Meanwhile, this thread reminds me that I *still* can’t find my lucky D30!
It’s in the heating grate behind the succulent.