New Chapter! Going to take a step away from all the drama in Kick HQ and take a look at the seedy underbelly of Villain City. There has been virtually no information about the Supreme Leader, and yet, all the villains seemed perfectly willing to fall into line behind him. What is his story anyway..? Well rather than rely on the omniscient power of the narrator, you’ll have to listen to the rumors and conspiracy theories from the point of view of some of Villain City’s best!
Wait, how does red visor guy drink with that mask on?
The only thing we really know about Supreme Leader is that he’s not Succubus
We don’t even know if he radiates heat :/ Luthor has that cooling system in his suit
I think we’re actually going to get Superior Man’d again.
We’ll all learn about him together. It’s a character origin story in rumor format! Hey, waitaminute. Sidekick Matt hasn’t even had his origin story yet. I’ve got to get my agent on the phone.
Is Java Jaguar not the origin story of Sidekick Matt?
Actually, good point. Maybe he doesn’t need an origin chapter…
If this is Matt, as I suspect, then he really needs to learn how to slow down his pace. Too many questions is sus!
So is Honey badger Australian or South African cause I hear they’re very similar dialects.
I was going for Australian.
Y’know, I had all the same questions!
Yes, what a coincidence… How come you’ve never been on the same picture as grey-suit-red-visor fellow?