Also, 7 Kick Points to Daniel M. Ball for predicting how Virgo’s power works and that their only hope was to be saved by Blush. However, I am deducting 2 Kick Points for dissing Blush. Just kidding, 5 points is the standard award.
How could you possibly doubt Blush’s ability to save the boys? After all she single-handedly took down two-thirds of Tri-Color, Sticky Buns, and Redback? A wag of the finger for you, sir!
We’re going to have to change her superheroine name to The Pink Hammer!
Almost to the end of the chapter. The long ground war to re-take Hero City begins in earnest. Anyone have any requests for old supervillains they’d like to see show up in the next chapter? Let me know in the comments.
Also, if anyone still hasn’t gotten their copy of Java Jaguar: Brewed Awakening, you can order one using this here HYPERLINK. I’ve got an Amazon Affiliate account, so if you buy it using that link I get an additional percentage of the sale. It’s my way of sticking it to the man.
All the proceeds from this book go towards feeding the poor and hungry.
Me. I’m talking about me.
Good to see another Super Heroines is up!
Oh. Wait.
Never mind…
Cat fights can happen in any webcomic!
And with Java Jaguar it involves Cats in the cat fight!
Bella the space princess of Pantharius needs to have it out with um… Cheetah!
Love Blush’s interjection of “Woman”. She was NOT going to be belittled as she beat up a villain, and wanted her full measure of respect.
She may also be showing off a bit for the Swedish super models….
As much as I respect Blush’s abilities and potential, are you sure she should add “beat up tri-colour” to her resume. That’s basically saying she punched a baby for street credit.
True dat.
Basic question: How much porn do you need to watch before you know what a porn-star sounds like?
Sixteen hours.
You replied much too quickly; it’s like you’d already done the research or something.
I thought everyone knew that. :-/
I have to admit, I was only using obvious logic. Blush has a power that is…well…completely useless in combat, which means she has to make it up to be the hero she wants to be with being a common-sense skillmonkey instead…and she’s interning with a skill-and-gadgets guy and Kickman, and those two have been using this thing called ‘tactics and strategy’ for most of their careers.
Y’know, instead of the ability to fart explosive rainbows out their butts on demand.
Logically then, we didn’t see Blush after the truck thing, so she was working the angle like a good teammate would. Hence, I determined that she would be the one to save the boys, because a good team covers one another’s weak points, and Generic Kung Fu Sidekick is REALLY good at thinking in that kind of context-somehting he would communicate to Kickman and more important, something he’d drill into their intnern…who should probably be a full member of the LLC soon-she covers some critical bases and not just by being a she.
Did Blush pull Virgo’s fishnets off between panels 5 and 6? Goodness, that IS hot!
I actually just forgot to draw them… but let’s say yes.
??? Thought Virgo just shed them, as that seemed a very porn star thing to do..
Shows you what I know about porn stars.
Yeah… I thought Blush just hit her so hard it literally knocked her stockings off.
“Anyone have any requests for old supervillains they’d like to see show up in the next chapter?”
How old does the supervillian need to be? I remember Spiderman’s interaction with an 80 year old cat burglar decades ago who would be fun to see but he wasn’t a super, just annoying and hard to catch.
(reposted to comments to start something)