I’m not sure if dead man’s blood is actually an anti-vampire weapon. The first and only place I’ve heard of it used was in the series Supernatural. It supposedly puts vamps to sleep for about an hour. Not sure if that piece of mythology originated in the show, but I’m sure most of my fans know if it would work against… you know, a REAL vampire.

This is the first strip that I’ve managed to post on time for quite a while. My girlfriend left for Cali a few days ago, so I’ve got some down time from my boyfriend duties to draw. Trust me, I’d rather be with her then entertaining you all. In a week and a half I’ll be flying out to join her then we spend the rest of the summer traveling from Cali to Canada. Wish us luck.

And if you become a Patreon supporter that would really help us out with food and gasoline expenses. And ensure that Kickman has a future. By ensuring that I survive out there in the wilderness. There are 3 levels of support, but to be honest, they all give the same bennies. But my $2 supporters get to look down their noses at my $1 supporters. And the $3 supporters get a free hug from me if you see me at a Con anywhere.