Yes, that is correct. The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley is now on WebToons, right at this little link HERE. Which seems kind of timid. You can also use the BIG link above by clicking on the title poster.
So this is a series I conceptualized several years ago, but never got around to creating. I have been an active creator on the Hive blockchain, where I post art and comic strips in exchange for cryptocurrency. Twice a week I would post my completed Kickman and Java Jaguar strips. Then usually random drawings and artwork to fill out the rest of the five days a week just to collect more hive bucks.
For the Real Superheroines, I created a cover page and an introduction for each superheroine, then that’s about it. After all, I’ve got Kicks and Panthers in my life already. Then I decided that rather than creating random new artworks on my non-Kick and non-Java days, I could just go ahead and scribble out a single panel of this other comic strip that I’ve been lamenting about not having the time to create all this time. And I’ve been making some decent money posting these panels on Hive.
Now the nature of Hive is that it rewards new content as it is posted. It’s not really a great place to archive old stuff. So I decided to take all these single panels and combine them into coherent strips over at WebToons. Why WebToons? Since I’ve just been creating single panels at a time, that are all the same size, and with nary a thought of page composition… I think the vertical scrolling format of WebToons makes for an easier reading experience. I’ll let you decide. Chapter Zero: Introduction and Chapter One: Wine O’Clock are now live. Chapter 2 is in progress, one panel at a time. They are being published as they are drawn on the Hive blockchain, but once the chapters are complete I will upload them all to WebToons.
Thanks for reading, and here are some random QuickPaints of the Real Superheroines that were also posted on Hive a while back. Also, I had a lot of fun mix-matching intellectual properties in these:

Enjoy the mindless reality TV series! Tell your friends!
I think we’re all more than ready to see our long-suffering news anchor get rescued and take a long, well-deserved vacation. If Matt is feelig particularly grandiose, he could dub himself Grandmaster for always being ten moves ahead of his opponents. I think Misdirect would also be a fun name. Or if not those, perhaps Adroit or simply Generic.