Now available on Amazon! Get Java Jaguar in print! Read in bed and have him slap you right in the face as you fall asleep! Only $8.95 (USD)!
Compiles several years of web comics and includes additional art posters and commentary. Proceeds from this comic go towards the author. He’s skinny and needs food. His van also started making a funny noise today. Seriously, I need the cash…

Yes, folks it is finally here. Only the print version is available right now, because Kindle requires re-sized artwork for the cover. I’m also not sure how 3-panel horizontal strips will read on Kindle which has a vertical screen.
And my van really did start making a funny noise so please share with your friends. In fact, buy a copy for your friends for Halloween, Thanksgiving and/or Christmas. If you don’t have any money, ask your local library if they have it, and if not (they won’t have it) ask them if they can order one for you.
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