I’ve been planning to re-design Grayhawk’s costume when our heroes next appear. Which may be a few weeks since this whole chapter is primarily from the point of view of the villains. Partly because of his new name. Secondly because he needs to incorporate some new gear courtesy of Blue Jay.
So, launching a new poll. These are five designs I scrawled out. Which works best for you? You can pick up to two. And feel free to discuss below. Feel free to mix and match. Take the hawk cowl from 3 but put it on 4’s torso and add the cape from 5. There are no rules. It’s like Thunderdome in this poll!

I kind of like 2 best because of the contrasts, and the hint of armor, but with some changes (Improvements. 🙂 A hood and cape addition would help define and point to his inherited membership in the Clan of the Bat. Matt could work a cape for both utility and drama. And maybe a yellow circle around his hawk symbol to further that indication. 🙂 Add asymmetric buttons down the front, closing his tunic for a BLACKhawk resonance, too.
And now that we have a Grayhawk design, can a villainous Blackmoor be far away? 🙂
I also like 2. It has a good heroic look and feels most reflective of your specific art style.
Costume #5 is not really a contender. The cape looks cool, but Grayhawk (Formerly Known as Generic Kung-Fu Superhero Sidekick) needs a *practical* costume.
Edna was right when she said “No Capes!”
Camouflage. 1 is the most practical for staying unseen, which ties in well with the fact he’s a Ninja. The other designs are not as good for staying hidden. Add some gloves to #1, maybe a few pockets, and it’s a real contender.
I like the bottom half of #3 combined with the chest tunic portion of the top half of #2 (not the arms) and the gloves/arm braces of #4. Mix & Match for something slightly reminiscent of the old “pre-Grayhawk” design but a couple of steps up. You can add the cape from #5 but I’d do that as an “optional accessory” that could separate out from the costume when needed for gliding, say; not as “out and about” full time.
Wait- NO RULES???
Stickybun’s costume.
I will also advocate for “The Rack” but with “Mom’s house of pies” emblazoned on the back
Wait no…. no…
Superior Man’s costume.
I like 1 & 3. Remembering his evolution comes from a ninja-style character, those remain true to his skills and style. Although, loose the headdress in 3! No frippery.