I’ve been on a regular release schedule for probably the last two years. Steady as a metronome hooked up to a perpetual motion machine. On crack.
Kickman on Sunday. Java Jaguar on (recently) Thursday. Splinterlands and sometime Holozing art on Monday. The Real Superheroines every other day of the week.
But the last couple of days, I’ve had nothing. Life has just gotten in the way of living. I broke up with my girlfriend of the last five years. And since then, I haven’t written or produced anything new. I just can’t seem to write any humorous banter.
There is no doubt in my mind that this is a temporary situation. After all Java Jaguar and Kickman began long before we started dating and traveling together. I’ll get back to it.
But as of right now, I actually completely finished the artwork for the next Real Superheroines strip (panel 42, possibly the most importnat number in existence) and I haven’t been able to write a single word of dialog to complete it.
Full disclosure, I have been drunk for the last 72h hours. I have the rest of the Kickman chapter already written out. And a couple more weeks of Java Jaguar. But The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley has always been written by pants.
So, there may be a delay for the next few days, while I get my act together. I think I can still draw while drunk and depressed, as that has been my experience. Just like I was experimenting with drawing while fatigued from exercise, being drunk doesn’t seem to affect my ability to draw.
I just can’t write. My creative muse just isn’t there right now. Sorry. I will be back.
Well damn Mat, I’ve been there. Sorry about your loss.
I’ve heard that when humans have blue skin it’s because there’s extra silver in their system. So maybe blue demons have some kinda extra metal in their system too.
That’s rough. Take as much time as you need, we’ll be here
Really, really sorry to hear. Five years is a long time, and a lot of effort, personal growth and intertwining of souls happens in that time. Wishing you the best of all possible breakups- where you can distinguish the good from the bad, and you get to keep the whisky…
Just one piece of advice- stay off your phone until you’re ready to put down the bottle for good.
“(panel 42, possibly the most importnat number in existence)”
Will Arthur Dent be in it, and if not why not?
I am ignoring the critical and life changing events you have posted of as I am not close enough to be able to say the right thing for your situation. I do hope there is someone close to you who does and will possibly has.