All three of my comics are also available on a new platform, I’ve actually been making a few bucks there, 99% of which is from Real Supereheroines of Hive Valley.

However, they do have a feature on Global Comix that looks really cool. They have something called “interactive frames.” What that means, is that when you load a page, you designate the actual frames and as they are viewed by viewers, they are seen one frame at a time. Which I assume is actually an easier way to view for people that are using their smart phone to read comics. A full page on screen is probably compressed too small to read.

I am in the process right now of setting up the interactive frames for Kickman on Globalcomix. If anyone has time, could you check out the first 8 or 10 chapters of Kickman on Globalcomix and let me know how the reading experience is for you compared to my regular format. I’d appreciate any feedback.

Thanks! Here’s the link one more time: LINK!

So far the first nine releases have been set up for reading via interactive frame feature, and also those are all free to read. As an added incentive, release number 9 has three pages of Patreon-only content. So, if you’ve never spent the $1 to become a patron or spent the 30 Kick Points to access those pages, now is your chance to check them out for free. Those three pages are the catfight between Blush and Sticky Buns by the way in case you needed a really, really good reason to check out those pages.

Here’s that LINK one more time.

Enjoy. And please, let me know how you like the frame-to-frame format. And leave a bunch of “likes” and “hearts” while you are there.