So, instead here’s an alternate costume for Phantom Lady. This is also the new Vote Incentive for poster over at TopWebComics.com. For Real Superheroines, not for Kickman.
I know what you are thinking. Those boobs are ridiculous. But if you watch the time lapse video for this drawing, you can see that I actually traced that torso from a model. So you are actually saying, that that young lady has ridiculous boobs, and that’s a hurtful thing to say. You should be ashamed of yourself. Not me though, I was trying to be as anatomically correct as possible.
For those that missed my last post, there is still an ongoing cash prize giveaway at Fables Comics, the new comic site by the guys that do TopWebComics. It would be great if a Kick-fan could be the one that takes the $500 prize for basically playing Where’s Waldo on their site. I included a link last time to Fables, but you should use this one instead to register at their site, because they’ll probably kick me a buck or two at the end of the next fiscal year. https://fables.pro/register/?fanCode=FVJVRK
I’m getting a Disney vibe from this one