Now it’s an All Out War Of Words!

Sorry I missed last week’s comic. Life gets in the way of webcomics sometimes. I am currently in Long Beach, Washington visiting my mom and nieces. I’ll be here through the 4th of July, which will be absolutely epic here on the peninsula. Unfortunately, I’m away from Cheri who is cat-sitting in Sunnyvale, CA and we really, really dislike being apart. But in a few days we will be back on that long, winding pet-sitting road in the Java Mobile.

It looks like the narrator is refining his mastery over the text boxes. Soon, he will be unstoppable.

How will Team Kick deal with this eloquent, psychotic menace? Find out next week!

Also, there is a new Vote Incentive poster over a right now. You can check out a poster of one of the newest members of The New Justice Rangers… Cut Lass! (

Last thing for this week: If you scroll down a bit, there is a poll for “The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley.” Hopefully, all of you have been reading that comic as well. If so, this is your chance to vote for your favorite superheroine. No one will get voted out of the mansion, this is just for me to see who is most popular with the readers.