So in addition to being a mean drunk, the narrator is just kind of inept. He keeps allowing the villains (and heroes) to see his text boxes.

Also, be sure to mark this day in history… July 24th, 2022 in Kickman, Chapter 23: Enemy Lines, page 13 is the first appearance of the super villain Count Mole. You should know that in case it’s ever a question on Jeopardy! Oh, that is unless you count the Kickman Adventure Game for PC…

Which of course, no one should. It’s not technically canon. It’s an adaptation. Also, I didn’t draw that character. I think I literally generated a random person using the tools in RPG Maker.

Next: Team Kick Vs the full subterranean fury of Count Mole’s Mole Army! Let’s just hope that the narrator doesn’t screw them up again.