The magic of the mask. At least he didn’t say, “Matt! How did you get boobs?”

It’s now up to Kickman and Elizabeth to protect Succubus… sorry, Angelina… from the tainted horde while Grayhawk… sorry, Matt… races off to get The MacGuffin.

Okay, after digging through the old comments I’ve come to the following judgement:
4 Kick Points to Tom_G for this prophetic vision back on May 19: “But… marriage is a sacrament. Wouldn’t that inconvenience a demon, just a skoosh? Or is that K’s plan???”
Which is the earliest spoiler having to do with marriage affecting her power.

Also, 2 Kick Points to BaufenBeast for this later premonition on June 2: “If Succubus is powered by *illicit* sex, being married probably mutes her power gain.”
Which is a bit closer to the mark, making a distinction between sex in and out of marriage.