Alas, poor demon lawyer. We barely knew thee.

The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch? Rubbish!

Excaliber? More like Excrappier!

If you have an infestation of demons and need to sanctify a city block quickly and thoroughly, you need to get yourself a handy-dandy, compact, Vatican-designed, tripod-mounted, medium-range, Rapture Missile System! Actually as I was typing this I just thought that “Holyfire Missile” might be a better name for it. Although, this might be more a rocket than a missile. I don’t think it has any self-correction guidance onboard, which is why you need the app to target it properly.

Chapter is not over yet. There is still some fallout to deal with before we can go back to reclaiming Hero City. Not radioactive fallout.

Oh, as I was going over some older strips I realized that recently I haven’t been updating my location whenever I load a new comic. This Kickman episode was created and uploaded from a cat-sit in Benecia, California. This is actually a repeat sit with Kiki the cat, which sounds like a good name for Kickman’s cat. I’ll be here for a couple more weeks, so don’t expect any check-ins from cool, exotic locales. Although I’ve been cooped up in this house for like 3 days. I need to actually get out and take some photos with me and Java.

Also, it took way to long to draw that ruined mansion in the last panel.