I was just going to call this chapter “Interlewd,” but the last chapter also started with an Inter and I didn’t want to get stuck in that inter-quagmire. Also, I would probably get sick of the squiggly red line always showing up under Interlewd every time I write the chapter name.

This probably won’t be as long of a chapter. But I wanted to take some pages to address what happens in the day-to-day, behind-the-scenes, dynamic of life in Team Kick… when you drop a literal sex-powered, demonish ex-super-villainess into the mix.

I think that she and Blush will hit it off famously.

This page was uploaded from a small town called Alamo, California. Special thanks to Scully, the Jack Russel Terrier, for keeping me company and taking time off from barking at squirrels to let me finish coloring and lettering this page.

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