Poor Lana. The truth hurts.
One more Kickman scene stolen from The Dark Knight Returns. Of course the original version of this scene by Frank Miller is a total of 25 panels stretched out over most of three pages of comic. Since the key to storytelling mastery is brevity, and I did my version of this scene in just 6 panels, I am obviously a much better storyteller than Frank Miller.
Hard to argue when I have numbers to back me up.
Also, anyone that wants a Kickman Trading Card NFT, just say “I want a Kickman NFT!” in the comments section. I’ll email you for your Crypto Wallet address and send you one. I minted 100 Kickman Trading Cards on Opensea so first come, first served… These will be worth a bundle after I die probably. And I’m going zip-lining next week!
“Latte Leopard” didn’t like that!
Does recognising all this mean I’m old?
“I am obviously a much better storyteller than Frank Miller.”
Unironically yes. You’re a damn good writer Matt.
Those censors should beware: one shouldn’t damage Java even in effigy. It might make him mad, and you wouldn’t want him mad at you, would you? It’s bad for your health.
Maybe but it’s much easier to get health insurance now. Besides, I’m made of magic. You can’t kill someone made of magic!