First appearance of Villain City’s Supreme Leader!

Who is this flame-enshrouded, demonic champion of the dark? What is his origin story? How did he rise to power? Does he have a neck??

Find out in the next 4 to 6 years as Kickman, LLC wages it’s war of attrition against the villainous forces of the city formerly known as Hero City! Unless, of course they just get killed once they tick off the right villain…

Also, first appearance of Death Jester! How crazy is he? Will his public disdain for Supreme Leader get him killed? Does he care? Does he have a super-hot girlfriend??

Kickman: Psyops #4 is going to be worth a fortune some day….

Next week: The Return of a Villain that has kind-of-but-not-really appeared in the pages of Kickman briefly. 5 Kick Points if anyone can guess who it is.