POOMM! There’s a new sheriff in town, criminals! With that dramatic lighting, their nerves surely will fray!

Although technically, I guess Kickman is the criminal here, since murder is legal here in the Murder District of Villain City. In fact, there are quotas for city council members.

So… uh…

There’s a new vigilante in town, law-abiding civic leaders!

Kickman laying down some hard truths. If Batman’s criminals had Superman hunting them down, they’d probably fold up shop and move out of Gotham. The lesson here for superheroes, is that sometimes it’s okay to punch down.

Oh, while I’m here. Why don’t we have another round of villain-naming? Name the four villains in the first two panels, and earn some awesome Kick Points! Also, if you name them, you become their sponsor. You can beg in the comments for your villain to appear in the next strip. Pretend you are “Agent Phoebe” from FRIENDS.

“Slitherlocks, why are you here in this forest?”

“I do not know… my agent secured this gig.”

“While you’re here, want to help us bury these bodies?”
