The Assassin With No Name seems unconcerned with dealing with a super with superpowers. But throw in a ninja sidekick and you’ve got yourself the World’s Finest Superhero Team. And with interns! Let’s face it, the Superfriends wouldn’t have been nearly as formidable without Marvin, Wendy and that stupid dog.

Wait until he finds out about Persephone. He’s going to add an extra digit to his invoice pretty soon.

I haven’t decided on a name yet. I’m actually thinking of combining two together for a first-last name combo, but I will still accept entries until next week.

Also, for those of you that haven’t visited The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley for a while, not only has the newest chapter started, but I added a Pin-Up page to the site. (No nudity).

Also, for those of you that haven’t completed your Holiday shopping, there is literally no better gift than a paperback version of Java Jaguar, now available on Amazon. According to our team of scientists it will impel young people that read it to respect their fellow man more, increase their understanding of irony by 12%, make them less susceptible to bullying, and increase their net worth over the course of their lives by as much as 600%! I’ve got numbers to back me up, you really can’t argue with the math.

Get your copy of Java Jaguar, Volume One: Brewed Awakening now! Or the Commies will win…