After finishing the chapter, I decided that this is a scene that should be shown. Give you all a chance to look behind-the-scenes at the being known as the Supreme Leader and what’s going on in his mind while Team Kick is at work. Also, gave me a chance to scribble out some scenes for the next chapter.
Next week: Some good, old-fashioned superhero battling in the next chapter… Zodiac Killers!
Nailed it!!
Read the comments for Villain City #12.
I gotta admit. I was expecting that Kickman and Co are now villains to be an argued defense at some point, but I was not expecting Villain Boss to be the one to do it. And is it just me, or does Villain Boss look really happy saying that?
consider what it really takes to be a Villain. I’m not talking normal criminals here, I’m talking VILLAINS.
You have to absolutely believe the world is wrong, and you’re right. that’s the very first thing, that’s the thing that makes it okay to put on spandex and weird costuming in primary colors and go out dancing with the train…and expect to win.
You also have to be intrinsically a persistent little S.O.B., able to take it on the chin, lose badly, and come back with another scheme, (with varying levels of ‘sane’ involved).
Villains don’t quit, and they don’t stop, no matter how hard you put them down, they spit the blood out, get to their feet, shake the fist at the heavens and try again.
What’ve we seen with Kickman and Generic Kung Fu Sidekick? (or ‘grayfalcon’)? yeah. both traits are heavy with those guys from the very first arc. Other heroes were willing to be sidelined and knocked out of the business, but Kickman and his companion FOUGHT BACK, and didn’t do it in the classical, ‘honorable’ fashion, but they used subterfuge.
which they’ve also been using here.
By a certain definition, yeah, they qualify as Villains, even Super-Villains. The only trait separating them, is that they’re not in it for their own vanity and financial gain in the way lesser-tier villains are.
Point of order.
You said, ” they’re not in it for their own vanity and financial gain in the way lesser-tier villains are”.
My brothers (and sister) just scammed 75 MILLION dollars from a guy last week.
That’s just going into the petty cash drawer for Kickman, LLC
Okay, I may have been somewhat incorrect there about the particulars, but considering they did it to other villains, it shows the team as being a better QUALITY of villain than the ones they scammed.
Of course we’re villains. We’ve always been villains.
The Supreme Leader is playing an interesting game here… and I have no bloody idea where he’s going with this strategy.
I love it.
“I observed the problem and redefined it as the solution. Problem solved”.
“Uhm, I mean…. What problem?”
Okay, 70% sure that’s not Succubus
You are right. Probably not succubus.
Didn’t she have a serious, stalker level crush on Kickman?
Good reason not to go out and “defend Villain City” from Kickman wouldn’t you say.
If it WERE Succubus that is.
Just saying…
I’m not sure she’s a long-term planner. This guy’s… clever.
In one move he’s de-fanged his (political) opposition, given his people a scapegoat, ruined team Kick’s reputations on the global stage, and eliminated the imminent (Kickman’s) threat to his power, all without lifting a finger.
Also, no boobs on the armor.
Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, her cleavage increased out of proportion with the rest of her form. There’s probably some kind of boob enhancement horizon working as a limiter for her combat enhancement.
…Pretty sure we all know what that graph looks like.
Like this!

Sorry if that’s a odd read. I’m sleepy
Look at him and still think “Wizard of Oz” and “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”. So I wonder who’s behind the curtain.
OK, there is a scent of Saron there….
It’s a 20-foot tall suit of armor with a flaming head… Is someone wearing the armor? Is it just a normal-sized guy in a seat in the torso? Or is it completely remote controlled with James Franco at the controls? Time will tell!
I don’t know. On one hand, I’m getting major Vexxar vibes from this guy. On the other hand, everything about him screams “Final Boss”, Luthor would have tested him, monastic combat orders exist in this universe, and I know Matt could pull it off. On a third hand, any badass normal in the kickverse would have researched demonology and whatnot before assuming the guise of a demon, so at an absolute minimum it’s an elaborate mimic-type with hell powers.
Then… 30% of that armor IS Succubus!
I just thought of something. What if Supreme Leader is actually Superior Man in disguise. Special effects are clearly very advanced in this world.
So he just wanted to be with his kids.
That’s so sweet!
Dad of the year! And since it is now the year of the Rabbit and he was obviously procreating like a rabbit… maybe this Superior Man theory isn’t so far-fetched…
Supreme? Superior? Totally different…
Also if Superior Man adopts kids would that increase his power or do they have to be related?
Supreme Leader just made a tactical etymological error. He classified Kickman & Co. as villains; this gives them legitimacy in Villain City. He should have classified them as vigilantes; then, no one could aid them.
I refer you to the Evil Overlord List for a possible insight here.
barring that one, consider that a city of criminals still has to function and be a place where criminals have both prey, and a reasonable amount of creature comforts, or they will LEAVE. Kickman and his team got rid of the unstable lunatics in the Murder District, it’s likely that that district will become profitable for the city. It’s in his interest to encourage this, because if the city isn’t profitable, it’s no good as a haven for Villains.
see the logic here?