Hah! It’s not Grayhawk at all, but Mayor Butts of Ghost Town!

Grayhawk just playing some mind games with the local underground journalist.

Sorry, folks. Today’s Kickman page was a day late.

In other most excellent news, I did find a replacement vehicle to serve as the Java Mobile II. I am now the proud owner of a 2004 Honda Odyssey. Now begins the task of selling the seats and converting the interior into a proper nomadic living space. Fortunately, I think I have almost an entire month of straight pet sits without having to spend any nights on the road, so that task isn’t quite so pressing.

Although, as a non-mechanic, I still have that nagging sense of trepidation from buying a used vehicle. I’m hoping it will last for a good ten years.

After all, ten years from now Kickman and Java Jaguar should be household names and the movie rights alone should be dragging in tons of revenue and I won’t have to worry about my van/house breaking down. Right? Right?

Today’s Kickman page was drawn and uploaded from Moorspark, California on Super Bowl Sunday.

Oh! And one more week of name the villain entries!