Superheroes spend a lot of time fighting each other. Not just here in the pages of Kickman, which has seen its fair share of Battle Royales erupting in that coffee shop, Mom’s House of Pies, and the Cape & Cowl nite club. But just look at the Avengers in the MCU. In the first Avengers Movie I’m pretty sure that the heroes spent more time fighting each other than Loki and the Chitauri. Thor Vs Iron Man, Hulk chasing Black Widow which escalated into Thor Vs Hulk. Then in Avengers 2: Hulk Vs Iron Man’s Hulkbuster armor and everyone Vs Stark while he was trying to bring Vision to life. And of course Captain America Civil War was all hero vs hero, except for the 3 seconds it took Black Panther to subdue Baron Zemo (Xemo?). Even if you count Winter Soldier as a villain during any moments that he is mind-controlled, I’m pretty sure that the total hours of hero vs hero battles is more than the hero vs bad guys time. Someone with a lot of patience and a stop watch can confirm that for me.

Today’s Kickman page was drawn and uploaded from Redwood City, California.