Someone just went scorched earth in Villain City. More details will be released soon as Lana over at VNN gets some details.
Sorry about the missed update last week. But I am now at a single-cat sit in Foster City in San Mateo County for another month with no moving around, so I should stay on schedule. At least I won’t have any excuses for falling behind.
That aerial city view took far too much time to draw. Even just eye-balling the perspective lines and not bothering with any rulers or anything. I usually just phone in my backgrounds with some simple rectangles for buildings and windows. But, I was going for dramatic. If this were a physical comic book, I would have totally made the reader turn the page over for a two-page ‘splosion. Also, probably would have had an extra two pages of villain background chatter to set the tone for the unexpected jump scare.
Enjoy the time lapse video if you are into those things:
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