Next: Superior World!
End of Chapter. Superior Man now rules the world. It’s time for someone to KICK back!
Well, not as in “kick back and relax.” I mean as in some actual retributive kicking…! Like, to the face and groin! Super kicking!
Also, check out that Superior Cinematography in panel 5.
And Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms out there!
You can’t spell “superior” without “sero.”
Cause, y’know, it rhymes with “zero.”
As in “lose that zero and get yourself a hero.”
Ok, I’m sorry. I’ll be quiet now.
Pretty fancy rhymes, I mean it…
Superior Man is an asshole. A *superior* asshole, but still- an asshole.
Yes, he is. And he is better at it than everyone else in the world. Also, I award 5 Kick Points to JohanBroad, because you have actually just typed in the 1000th comment to the Kickman comic. Good thing I happened to notice that. :o)
I must respectfully disagree. Functioning properly, assholes serve a useful, if distasteful, function: they deal with the shit. Superior Man is a shit,… and someone needs to go be an asshole to him.
Hmmm. I just had a flashback to the d*ck, a$$hole, pu$$y speech from Team America: World Police. A must-see scene.
I bet Kickman will go back to being “Joey the Leg” pretty quickly. & can get his name back!
And if there’s a waiting list for that name I bet there will be a whole string of dead Kickmen…
Awww…. Poor S.A.M., poor Ben…. On the other hand…. Rochambeau round #3! WHOOOOO!
Also, poor Not the Hulk… you can’t see him on the video screen because of Lana’s head, but Superior Man was taking both of them down at once…

I wonder where Chuck Norris stands on the whole take over the world thing. Will he come in to save the day with his overwhelming power? After all, nothing can defeat Chuck Norris!
That is true. I will need to address that. Maybe he is off-world rounding up belligerent Kryptonians right now…