He’s the world’s greatest superhero that everyone loves to hate. Well, all those other superheroes are just jealous. And hopefully by the end of this chapter everyone will have an appreciation for how tough it is being better than everyone else at everything.
I wanted to go back and use one of my old C-List superheroes that have appeared in this strip for the underwear gag, but I guess I never drew any with the classic outside-underwear costume. So instead, I threw in an assortment of other characters.
Classic silver age Cyclops on the left. Golden age Daredevil on the right. The gal in the middle is no one in particular, as not that many heroines go with the underwear outside the clothes and instead opt for just underwear. If she were wearing just the red panties and sports bra without the green spandex layer, she would look a lot like Big Barda, as seen HERE.
Today’s comic was drawn and uploaded from a house sit in Aiken, SC where my girlfriend and I are taking care of 1 dog, 2 cats, 7 horses, and some chickens. Pet sitting is my super power.
Java! Way to cameo, lil’ fur bro!
Driving felines are a recurring trope in the superhero genre. Well, actually, only in Kickman I guess. A driving cat was seen at the scene of Kickman’s origin story as well…. hmmmmm….
Wait… “Back in the Day” underwear-on-the-outside… how long ago was that? Because Java doean’t seem to have aged. Is he really a cub? Or just a very small jag? It couldn’t be that he has leopard blood, could it?!?!?!?!?!
Golden Age Daredevil wore a red-and-blue harlequin costume. The red and yellow is early Silver Age (1964, I think, first six issues of Marvel’s Daredevil). The costume was later used by Demolition Man (minus the horns) in the late 70s or 80s, I think.
Huh. Didn’t know there was a Daredevil before Marvel’s Daredevil. I bow to your superior comic-fu.
Is Superior Man’s Core Power a kind of reality-warping? If he thinks he can do it, he can? In which case, is the superiority complex a linked power, or is he really just like that? I find myself wondering what would happen if he were to be given a strong dose of Klatchian Coffee, or plugged into the Total Perspective Vortex, or so on…
The source of Superior Man’s power is one of the greatest conundrums of the KickVerse. Time will tell….