Had to add a second part to that Epilogue because I botched the first part. The whole point of having it was I wanted to have a line where Kickman and his team are referred to as “The Zodiac Killers.” Which ties up the whole chapter in a little bow where the audience goes, “Oh, that’s why the chapter is called Zodiac Killers! It’s Kickman and his team that are the Zodiac Killers! How clever!” Unfortunately, because I never scripted it out ahead of time, I totally forgot to include that in the media reports in the first panel.

So, instead, I just added a new scene from Mickey’s Bar, and we can see the reaction of the lesser villains to the news and rumors of Team Kick liberating an entire district from a team of 12 super villains. And of course, we can visit Foursight pretending to use his powers to score with Slitherlocks.

I will be in Napa, California for the next month-and-a-half taking care of a cat and two dogs. Keep an eye out for the Java Mobile in that area.