Now even Blush is breaking the fourth wall. She’ll have to be promoted to “Sidekick’s Sidekick” soon. Or is that a side-sidekick?

One more page then on to the next chapter! I’m sure you’re all anxious to see Team Kick fight some real villains and not these subterranean scrubs.

Coming Soon to the Kickman, LLC Cinematic Universe Phase Three:

  • Psyops
  • Zodiac Killers
  • Waste The Rainbow

Those are all tentative chapter titles for the next three chapters. Of course, these are only set in stone as much as the Batgirl movie. But at least I’m planning ahead. To ensure that these future chapters get written you can always help support the comic on Patreon or by using the Paypal donate button. Or just share your favorite comic strip with a friend. Or vote for Kickman over on Top Web Comics. (Remember, I live in a van… *sad puppy dog face*).